Results for 'Arzu Koçak Uyaroğlu'

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  1.  13
    Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Ethical Sensitivity in Turkish Nursing Students.Emine Ergin, Arzu Koçak Uyaroğlu & Büşra Altınel - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):341-351.
    Providing effective care to patients and making the right decisions in difficult working environments depend on moral sensitivity. Emotional intelligence and ethical sensitivity affect nursing care. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between nursing students’ emotional intelligence and ethical sensitivity levels. The research employed a descriptive-correlational design, 201 nursing students studying at a university in the Central Anatolia region, Turkey, participated in the study. Students’ ethical sensitivity was found to be significant. The nursing students received the highest score in (...)
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    The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the MacNew Heart Disease Questionnaire in patients with angina.Arzu Daskapan, Stefan Höfer, Neil Oldridge, Neslihan Alkan, Haldun Muderrisoglu & Emine Handan Tuzun - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):209-213.
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    Physician-nurse collaboration in the relationship between professional autonomy and practice behaviors.Arzu Bulut, Halil Sengül, Çeçenya İrem Mumcu & Berkan Mumcu - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):253-271.
    Background Nurses and physicians are key members of healthcare teams. While physicians are responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of patients, nurses are part of the treatment and the primary practitioners of patient care. Nurses’ professional autonomy, collaboration with physicians, and practice behaviors in treatment and patient care practices are interrelated. Objectives In the present study, we examined the mediating effect of physician–nurse collaboration on the relationship between nurses’ practice behaviors and their professional autonomy. Design The present study utilized a (...)
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    Bah'r-n'me: An Unknown Work by Celilî.Arzu ATİK - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:187-198.
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    Celilî'nin Husrev ü Şirin'inin Yeni Bir.Arzu ATİK - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):201-211.
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    Altın Beşik Efsanesinin Göstergebilimsel İncelenmesi.Aynur KOÇAK - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 20):357-357.
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    Bozkır Türk Kültüründe Demirin Ortaya Çıkışı ve İşlenip Yayılması.Kürşat KOÇAK - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 1):77-77.
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    Çocuklar İçin Aleksitimi Ölçeği Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Güvenirlik Ve Geçerlik Çalışması.Recep KOÇAK - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):1023-1023.
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    Türkiye'de Hukuk Devletinin Gelişiminde Yargının Yeri.Yüksel KOÇAK - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):961-961.
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    Türkiye'de Kentsel Dönüşüm Uygulamalarının Göç Üzerine Etkisi: Kars 29 Ekim Mahallesi Örneği.Yüksel KOÇAK - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):1411-1411.
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    B'bürn'mede Aslî Zarf-fiillerin Kullanımı ve Zaman İşlevleri Üzerine.Arzu Yikilmaz - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):1243-1243.
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  12.  21
    The Analysis of Turgay Nar’s Play Called Çöplük in the Context of Religious and Mythological Elements.Arzu ÖZYÖN - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (2):201-213.
    According to the theory which Julia Kristeva developed moving from Bakhtin’s theory of dialogy (the relationship of words with each other) and called intertextuality in her study dated 1966, no text exists autonomously because every text is in interaction with other text/s either consciously or unconsciously. The function of intertextuality is to determine covered or overt relations between texts, the position of them (receiver/transmitter), in some cases even to search whether the interaction is one-way or two-way and to reveal the (...)
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  13.  20
    Worrying About Leadership: Is It a Liability or an Advantage for Leadership of Women and Men?Arzu Karakulak, Ayşe Burçin Başkurt, Gamze Koseoglu & Zeynep Aycan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Worries about leadership is a new construct tapping worries an individual may feel about possible negative consequences of accepting a leadership role. Three studies investigate how WAL is associated with men’s and women’s willingness for leadership and their perceived leadership potential rated by others. The first is a laboratory study on 328 participants, which shows that WAL is negatively associated with women’s willingness for leadership, while it is not related to that of men. The second study, which is a field (...)
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    Müsameretname ve Yazarı Emin Nihat Bey'e Dair Yeni Bilgiler.Ahmet KOÇAK - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):771-771.
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    Impression management tactics in the CEO statements of Turkish sustainability reports.Arzu Ozsozgun Caliskan, Emel Esen & Ralf Barkemeyer - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):485-506.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Muallim Naci’s Thoughts Concerning Turkish.Arzu Şeyda - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:2072-2080.
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  17.  29
    Bible Traces in Roman Law According to the Law Appendices of Empress Irene.Talat KOÇAK - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):735-748.
    Roman Law is an important legal systematic that contains important codings of world law history. This legal system not only affected Continental Europe, but also the Near East, which was a period under its domination. Especially in the Justinian period, the law collection that emerged as a result of the legal studies starting from the East Roman capital is considered as a monumental work by many historians and jurists. Researchers who praise Corpus Juris Civilis are right. However, this selection, which (...)
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  18.  65
    Understanding Protestant and Islamic Work Ethic Studies: A Content Analysis of Articles.R. Arzu Kalemci & Ipek Kalemci Tuzun - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):999-1008.
    This study focuses on two main arguments about the secularization of Protestant work ethic and the uniqueness of Islamic work ethic. By adopting a linguistic point of view, this study aims to grasp a common understanding of PWE and IWE in the field of work ethic research. For this purpose, 109 articles using the keywords PWE and IWE in their titles were analyzed using content analysis. The findings support the argument that emphasizes universally shared values of PWE. In addition, the (...)
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  19.  34
    Inclination of Nursing Students Towards Ethical Values and The Effects of Ethical Values on Their Care Behaviours.Duygu Bayraktar, Arzu Karabağ Aydın, Tunç Eliş & Kader Öztürk - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):433-445.
    A descriptive, cross-sectional study aimed to determine the inclination of nursing students towards ethical values and the effects of these values on care behaviours. The data for this study were collected from 466 students studying from May 13–24, 2019. The data were collected using a questionnaire on the sociodemographic characteristics of the students, Inclination to Ethical Values Scale (IEVS), and Caring Behaviors Inventory-24 (CBI-24). In this study, 43.1 per cent of them belonged to families who had a protective attitude. The (...)
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    1824-1828 Tarihli Tarsus Şer'iyye Sicilinin Tanıtımı Ve Fihristi.Arzu ŞAHİN - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):1061-1061.
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    The Communicatıon of Lovers In The “Leyl' And Mecnûn” By Nizamî, H'tifî And Celilî.Arzu ATİK - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:37-47.
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    Yeşilçam Döneminde Van'ın Sinema Kültürü.Arzu Ertaylan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):1839-1839.
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    Anglikan Kilisesi’nin Osmanlı’daki Sancaktarı Church Missionary Society Üyeleri Ve Gelir Kaynakları - II.Arzu M. Nurdoğan - 2014 - Dini Araştırmalar 17 (44):13-42.
    It is possible to say that the modern culture in Turkey leans against the Western culture-civilization understanding, system of values in terms of both lifestyle and philosophy of life in other words it is a European-based (Eurocentric) culture. Missionaries’ paternalistic attitudes and contribution to the fact that nations neglect and even despise of their cultures, values and perceptions based on their own belief systems is worth discussing. To reveal the struggles to achieve their plans during the colonialism age, and motivational (...)
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    Anglikan Kilisesi’nin Osmanlı’daki Sancaktarı Church Missionary Society Hedefleri, Misyonerlik Tanımı Ve Motivasyon Unsurları- III.Arzu M. Nurdoğan - 2014 - Dini Araştırmalar 17 (45):60-92.
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    Ziya Şakir 'nun Selçuk Saraylarında Ömer Hayyam'ın Hayat ve Maceraları Adlı Romanının Tarihsel.ÖZYÖN Arzu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):1135-1135.
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    The Meaning of the “Majnun” Accusation Against the Prophet in Jahiliyyah.Zeynep Canan Koçak - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1513-1542.
    While the Prophet's articulation of the message of tawhid resulted in the clustering of his followers around him, it also led to reactions from the majority of his interlocutors. At first, he was tried to be discouraged by not taking his message seriously or by humiliating him, and when it was seen that his followers increased over time, he was tried to be prevented by harsher methods. The polytheists claimed that the Prophet was a magician who spoke incantations from his (...)
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  27.  4
    Popüler Türk Dizilerinde Sunulan Aile İmajı: Lise Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma.Muhammed Furkan Koçak & Abdullah İnce - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):541-573.
    Türkiye, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve İngiltere’nin ardından dünyada en fazla dizi ihraç eden üçüncü ülke konumundadır. Bu çalışma, popüler Türk dizilerinde sunulan aile imajını ve lise öğrencileri üzerindeki potansiyel sonuçlarını incelemektedir. Araştırma, boşanma, nikâhsız birliktelikler, serbest ilişkiler ve mahremiyetin dönüşümü gibi aile kurumunu tehdit eden ve dönüştüren faktörleri belirlemiş ve bu faktörlerin toplumsal yapı üzerindeki yansımalarını değerlendirmiştir. Medyanın, özellikle dizilerin, toplum üzerindeki etkisi ve lise öğrencilerinin medya tüketim alışkanlıkları, anket ve tematik içerik analizi yöntemleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Türkiye’de lise öğrencileri (...)
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  28.  40
    The Debate About Creating out of Nothing Around Ibn Sina's Ibda‘ Nazariyah.İsmail KOÇAK - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (63):579-602.
    The matter of creation is a topic on which the humanity focuses for many centuries. In our opinion, the elements which make this matter important could be evaluated within three categories: The ontological query of the human being arising from the necessity of “knowing”, the obligation of placing the being on the basis of epistemology in terms of the commonality of the quality of being, and creation being the commencement date of universe and human being. Throughout the history, some distinct (...)
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    Erzurum Halk Masallarından Üç Turunçlar Masalı'nın Vladimir Propp'un Yapısal Anl.KOÇAK Büşra - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):327-327.
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    Muslim and Non-Muslim Relations in the Context of Economic And Social Interactions in Vidin (1700-1750).Zülfiye KOÇAK - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1109-1136.
    The Ottoman State contains many different ethnic elements which constituted a legal perspective. In this regard, the necessary precautions were taken to ensure that Muslims and non-Muslims live together peacefully in Vidin, a border city that was very important for the Western military expeditions of the Ottoman State known as “dār al-jihad wa-l-mujāhidīn” during the 18th century which set a historical example. The economic and social dimensions of the relations between the Muslim and non-Muslim population comprising the society in Vidin (...)
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    To Look or Not To Look: Reading User Behavior in the Spatial Atmosphere of the City Skyline of Izmir.İlke Hiçsönmezler, Arzu Cılasun Kunduracı & Ahenk Yılmaz - 2024 - Environment, Space, Place 16 (1):51-82.
    This study focuses on the effects of spatial qualities of the viewing location on the behavior of citizens towards the observation of the skylines. The majority of the existing literature on skyline studies revolves around the discussions of the aesthetic qualities of the skyline per se, and ignores the observation space. Nevertheless, the differences in citizens' behavior towards viewing the skyline stem not only from their diverse personal characteristics and daily emotional states, but also from the spatial qualities of the (...)
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  32. postformalistische Überlegungen.Arzu Çiçek - 2020 - In Carsten Bünger & Martina Lütke-Harmann, Unbedingte Bildung: Perspektiven kritischer Bildungstheorie. Wien: Löcker.
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    Akademik Heydär Hüseynov.Arzu Äşräf qızı Hacıyeva - 2015 - Bakı: Elm.
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    Mädäni-tarixi irsin tädqiqindä hermenevtikanın fälsäfi vä metodoloji ähämiyyäti.Arzu Äşräf qızı Hacıyeva - 2004 - Bakı: Adiloğlu.
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    Kur'an-ı Kerim'in Türkçe Tercümelerinde Besmele.Arzu Çi̇ftoğlu Çabuk - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):125-125.
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  36. Indicators of perceived corporate commitment to ethics in top Taiwanese and Turkish companies: An exploratory study.Tzong-Ru Lee, Arzu Ulgen Aydinlik, Dilek Donmez, Goran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (3):178-195.
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    Indicators of perceived corporate commitment to ethics in top Taiwanese and Turkish companies: An exploratory study.Tzong Ru Lee, Arzu Ulgen Aydinlik, Dilek Donmez, Goran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (3):178.
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    The Nexus between Technological Learning, Downsizing, Employee Commitment, and Organizational Performance.Adeel Razzaq, Arslan Ayub, Farah Arzu & Muhammad Salman Aslam - 2013 - Nexus 2 (10):74-80.
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    -P Adverb-Verb Suffix In Kırım Tatarian Dialect.Arzu Sema Ertane Baydar - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:139-151.
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    A Review of Shiva Legends in Hindu Holy Texts. [REVIEW]Arzu Yildiz - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (63):401-422.
    Legends and mythological tales hold great importance in the Hindu religious tradition. Hindu scriptures have numerous mythical narratives. In general, the purpose of these narratives, decorated with many supernatural figures and elements, is to warn people, guide them to the right path by teaching the right behaviours, prevent wrong behaviours, praise the glory of the gods, and explain the creation of the universe and beings. Mostly, gods are the protagonists of the myths. There are many legends that Shiva, one of (...)
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    To Stay or Leave? Consequences of Ethical Dilemma Experienced by Nurses in the Intensive Care Units.Ozan Kalaycioglu, Arzu Sert-Ozen & Ahmet Yeşildağ - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-16.
    Global shortages of healthcare workers, particularly nurses, have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, putting significant pressure on healthcare systems worldwide. According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), 13 million additional nurses are urgently needed to meet global demand. Nurses, who are the backbone of patient care, have faced unprecedented ethical dilemmas, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs), where resource allocation, such as ventilator management and triage decisions, often conflict with basic ethical principles. This study seeks to contribute to (...)
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    Nurse-focused ethical solutions to problems in organ transplantation.Hakan Ertin, Arzu Kader Harmanci, Fatih Selami Mahmutoglu & Ibrahim Basagaoglu - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):705-714.
    Technological developments in recent years have brought about a rapid increase in the number and variety of organ transplants, leading to problems in finding enough organs to meet the need. Organ transplantation has also become a particularly significant issue in medical ethics, especially regarding the question of how and from whom organs are procured. Many methods have been tried in order to solve these problems and discussed from an ethical perspective. This study investigates the Spanish, Belgian and Iranian approaches to (...)
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    Substantial recovery of a masked visual target and its theoretical interpretation.William N. Dember, Marvin Schwartz & Michael Kocak - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (5):285-287.
  44.  28
    Türkiye’de Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Din Temalı Tez Çalışmaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Fatma Kenevi̇r & Şeyda Koçak Kurt - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 19 (49):347-347.
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    COVID-19 and Spillover Effect of Global Economic Crisis on the United States’ Financial Stability.Khurram Shehzad, Liu Xiaoxing, Faik Bilgili & Emrah Koçak - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the lockdown engendered has had a vicious impact on the global economy. This analysis’ prime intention is to evaluate the impact of the United States’ economic and health crisis as a result of COVID-19 on its financial stability. Additionally, the investigation analyzed the spillover impact of the worldwide economic slowdown experienced by COVID-19 on the United States’ financial volatility. The study applied an autoregressive distributed lag model and discovered that the economic and health crises (...)
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    Beliren Yetişkinlerde Din Aylayışı Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi.Abdullah İnce, İhsan Kutlu & Muhammed Furkan Koçak - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):607-633.
    Beliren yetişkinlik, çocukluk, gençlik, yetişkinlik ve yaşlılık gibi yaşam dönemlerine eklenen yeni bir kategoridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, beliren yetişkinlerin din anlayışlarını tespit edecek bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Çalışma kapsamında internet üzerinden, 18-27 yaş aralığındaki 637 kişiye kolayda ve kartopu örnekleme yoluyla ulaşılmıştır. Ölçek geliştirmede yapı geçerliliği için açımlayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri yapılmıştır. İlk olarak KMO değerinin,937; Bartlett Küresellik Testi sonucunun ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı sonuç verdiği görülmüştür. Açımlayıcı faktör analizleri sonucunda 23 maddeli ve dört faktörlü bir yapıya ulaşılmıştır. Tüm ölçeğin (...)
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  47. Understanding Archaeology and Architecture through Archival Records: The Restoration Project of the Ottoman Fortress of Seddülbahir on the Gallipoli Peninsula of Turkey.Lucienne Thys-Şenocak, Rahmi Nurhan Çelik, Arzu Özsavaşçi & Gülsün Tanyeli - 2009 - In A. C. S. Peacock, The Frontiers of the Ottoman World. British Academy. pp. 189.
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    Ethics Consultation in U.S. Pediatric Hospitals: Adherence to National Practice Standards.Helena Arango, Colette Gramszlo, Jaideep Grewal, Arzu Cetin, Meaghann Weaver & Jennifer K. Walter - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics.
    Background The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH), a professional organization that certifies ethics consultants who pass the qualifying examination, published standards for the conduct of ethics consultations (EC). A national survey of adult hospital ethics consultants identified adherence to these standards, but no assessment of pediatric hospitals’ adherence has been done.Methods In this cross-sectional study, a national questionnaire was distributed electronically in 2022 to pediatric ethics consultants at children’s hospitals, collecting information about adherence to the ASBH standards. Hospital (...)
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    A Customized Differential Evolutionary Algorithm for Bounded Constrained Optimization Problems.Wali Khan Mashwani, Zia Ur Rehman, Maharani A. Bakar, Ismail Koçak & Muhammad Fayaz - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-24.
    Bound-constrained optimization has wide applications in science and engineering. In the last two decades, various evolutionary algorithms were developed under the umbrella of evolutionary computation for solving various bound-constrained benchmark functions and various real-world problems. In general, the developed evolutionary algorithms belong to nature-inspired algorithms and swarm intelligence paradigms. Differential evolutionary algorithm is one of the most popular and well-known EAs and has secured top ranks in most of the EA competitions in the special session of the IEEE Congress on (...)
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    Mobbing Behaviors Encountered By Nurse Teaching Staff.Dilek Yildirim, Aytolan Yildirim & Arzu Timucin - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (4):447-463.
    The term `mobbing' is defined as antagonistic behaviors with unethical communication directed systematically at one individual by one or more individuals in the workplace. This cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted for the purpose of determining the mobbing behaviors encountered by nursing school teaching staff in Turkey, its effect on them, and their responses to them. A large percentage (91%) of the nursing school employees who participated in this study reported that they had encountered mobbing behaviors in the institution where (...)
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